Wednesday, July 27, 2005

BAYA Goes Backpacking

BAYA is not messing around when it comes to technology... now we have a Blog, and a Backpack ;-) I thought I would get the ball rolling on how we might utilize each to make BAYA even better. Then hopefully others will chime in via comments (either e-mailed to the group or posted for all to see the process, choose which makes more sense).

Here is how I see this possibly working (of course it will all evolve according to how we learn to use it)...
The Blog: I think this can be our way of sharing the things we are doing with the outside world (yes, the Bay Area is it's own little bubble of a world). We have had lots of visitors to the group and this is a great way for people to catch up on what we have been up to and/or follow along. It is also a way of sharing the things that we are doing (Homework club, YPC, congregation stuff) and give some insight into how we did it. This way if someone out there in the world wants to use some of that insight... it is right there for them. And finally, it can keep all of BAYA in the loop when we are spread out (such as the lose of Cupcake the past few months ;-) There is plenty more, but I think that gives a general focus for the Blog.

The BAYA Backpack:

Backpack is a great organizing tool that keeps all your notes, todos, reminders etc. on the web in one convenient place... to be accessed by whomever you would like to see it. I think that this tool would be great for keeping us on top of things, as well as be a forum for us to bounce stuff around that the whole world doesn't need to see (although it can always be transferred onto the Blog if needed-much the way the TreeBed website will work). So, when we are organizing a trip to Yosemite, we can make a page for it and anything involving the trip can go up on that page (we can even set up reminders to be e-mailed or text msg to the group). Or if we have a project that we want to put together (such as the cell phone deal), it can all be organized and built up without wasting precious Scoop time trying to hash something out.

Do we need technology to make BAYA work? No. However, these things can not only help us document the adventures we have (which will be fun to look back on), but can make us a potent force in whatever we jump into (even if it is just fun). This stuff shouldn't replace our time together, but it can make us more efficient at enjoying the best part of BAYA... each other's company.

Thank you and goodnight.

1 comment:

Mr. B said...

Amen, Brother, on the non-wasting of Scoop time.