Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hello Spring!


BAYA has officially closed the Winter season and opened the door to Spring by celebrating our last Winter day basking in the sun for lunch on a deck in Tiburon. In the coming months, I look forward to spending more lunchtimes this way, camping at Pt. Reyes, hiking on Sunday afternoons, and looking at the wildflowers in Yosemite!

We enjoyed the view from our friend, Chuch Taylor's home while having lunch on his sunny deck. Chuck lives in a town called Tiburon, which is located north of San Francisco and has breathtaking views of the Bay. He has been inducted into BAYA and accepted his new nickname "BBC" Broom Buster Chuck. He founded an organization called the Broom Busters who help keep the hillside free of pesky plants that ruin the wildflowers of the open space surrounding his home. Chuck is quite a special guy and we love him for all of his continuous positivity and youthful outlook on life, thus the oldest (82 years!) , but youngest at heart, member of BAYA! We love you Chuck. Like I said, breathtaking.


Scientist said...

Thanks for posting the pics. With all this rain today, it is hard to believe that was just yesterday. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

TreeBed said...

Sorry I missed out... I look forward to the next time.