Sunday, April 02, 2006

Power in Periphery

This weekend BAYA (the Novato chapter) was all over the map... literally. Not everyone's travels were based on fun and excitement, but I do suspect each person's weekend was connected with a common spirit that has become a constant presence with BAYA. We haven't touched on the spiritual by name yet in this diary of BAYA history. However, make NO mistake, it is a shared spirit that sets this group of friends apart from other friends that I hang out with. We do not use this blog as a forum to talk about God, religion or the spiritual, because that is not what makes us a "Young Adult Group". We are not friends out of obligation. We are a group (and this is my opinion mind you ;-) that has become friends from personal decisions of necessity. That is the only way I can describe how a group of people that live an hour long drive away from each other (the BAYA triangle), and still somehow seem to get together at least twice a week... and often 3 or more times a week. What is that necessity we feel? It is a community of spirit that we find, each and every time we gather. This weekend several of us gathered at a Sierra Pacific Young Adult Retreat. For those who weren't there, your presence was felt in many ways. We talked about how we get stuck out on the periphery of life in the church as young adults. Not ready to be the core, but having an understanding of what we have to offer and wanting to contribute to something larger than ourselves. This is a hard line to walk... both for those on the periphery, and those in that long standing core. It gave me great joy to share how our group has worked through many of those issues, and built momentum strong enough to ignite (and support) others.

This weekend I understood better than ever that... searching those people out who both love and support you fully, and you being willing to offer the same allows you to grow to understand yourself better, because sometimes "support" means expecting more from each other... And by working along side those people using the potential of that love and support you come to understand your value as a part of this human experience... And then by worshiping together (whether it be listening to prayer in a chapel, or the wind in the trees during a hike) we add that third element that connects us at our core, beyond our friendship, possibly beyond our humanness. That is where our power is found. Not the power to push others around, but the power to accept, absorb, listen, struggle, give and enjoy the process. You cannot be exclusive when you reside in the periphery. That is why it is powerful.

What we call "BAYA", is not a label for a group of individuals, or does it have anything to do with geography... but I believe it came out of a necessity of language to understand that which has transformed our group into something that we didn't really have words to describe. "BAYA" works as good as any word. It is not our invention. We were just fortunate enough to stumble upon it, recognize the potential, and be present to building that potential into something more... For that I am SO thankful. If you are reading this, you most likely have had contact in some way with BAYA. This means you are a part of that unexplainable. You have added to that power. You are connected to it... Tap into it. It is an unlimited resource... It is built out of love, support and a spirit that I don't yet understand, but do fully believe in. I encourage you to search it out in your corner of the world... I guarantee you it is worth it!

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